N 72 surely a value for money, exceptionally good picture quality and unique sound quality makes it one of the best phones in that range, A few more facilities thats avilable in other lower end nokia phones cld have been included, (Ex. Resending of smss, insert contact, insert number etc etc)
N 72, gives a trendy as well as a dignified looks, which goes both for business, and party. The included s/w on search the web, a dedicated button to play music, makes a lot of sence. Wallet S/w is one thing that I miss on N 72
Its just sleek, and have to have it.. the black.. varient is the best one on the shelf, But any ways Nokia N series is Nokia N series, the best..
Make sure, the prices are dropping... and it wld be better to wait.. before u take the decision, I bought at 18990 and now its 15k plus..