I was using a Nokia 6681 for close to 2 yrs and loved that phone.
The obsolosence bug bit me and I decided to upgrade my phone to get a newer model with(hopefully) better features.so I went in for a N72 only to find that nothing much has gotten better( except for the 2 mega pixel cam which I dont use much anyways). In reality, Nokia has added some features which makes it seem that their design team forgot one basic design consideration - ease of use!
Here are the not so good things about the phone
1) Music key:
the N72 has this new key which is essentially a shortcut to the music player.whats interesting is the position of the key on the keypad - its right next to the no 3 and 6 keys. Also, the " cancel" key used to re-type text/nos is below the music key.
The problem with this is that you cannot help but hitting this key inadvertently again and again while trying to correct a phone no or a sms. The music player pops in your face which is quite irritating when you are writing an important sms or making a call. Basic logic suggests that one would use thecancel key more often than the music key - atleast for a business user for whom I understand the N series is positioned for.
btw this key cannot be disabled - I checked with Nokia already. If you bought the N72 u have to learn to live with it.
2) Searching contacts:
This one really drives me nuts! In the 6681, if you go into your contacts and hit any alphabet, it immediately searches and shows you the name of the person whose name begins with that alphabet. for eg if you were looking for a person called Ravi in your phone book all you had to do is to type R and you immediately see all names beginning withR.
With the N72 the search logic has changed. As in the previous eg, if you tried typing R looking for Ravi, you might actually find a name like Archana displayed - reason: the name Archana has an R in it. So now to refine the search further you have to type R-A-V etc etc more key strokes.
This is totally stupid.i cant seem to understand why anyone would want a search feature that searches within a name rather than the first alphabet. Come on.if I had to look for Archanas no, I would start by typing A and not R right? Really frustrating.i would love to know why this was done but even Nokia reps dont have a convincing answer.
3) Wallet
the 6681( and other older Nokia Symbian phones) had a wallet feature where u cud store details of your bank a/cs/ online accounts etc in a password protected application. I used this extensively earlier.this strangely seems to be missing from the N72. I wonder why?
The phone is just a week old so thats all I have discovered so far. Other things seem nice - esp the looks and the screen resolution. Overall, moving from the 6681 to the N72 has not been a delighful experience so far, I would have been better off holding on my 6681 itself.