I first saw this phone in my friends hand during a game of badminton.
The first words that came to my mind was this The best of the N series yet.
Using it then onwards only confirmed my first impression. At first use, it handles just like any other of its N series counterparts; the easy to use menus; friendly yet professional. The interface is just as good as in any other of the N series range of phones. Whats impressive about the N3 is the packaging that the folks at nokia have done; stuffing in all those features in the small casing, thats definitely impressive. The camera clarity is stunning and the camera menu is better than ever before. You have all the camera options within the reach of the navigator key; all in a vertical line in the camera mode. 3.2 megapixel resolution is absolutely amazing. I even handled the SE K790i and I would anyday prefer the nokia cam to theirs(although Im a die hard Sony Ericcson fan; right now I feel how a Kimi fan would when he has just blown up his engine). The rest of the techincal comparision I will leave to the technical amigos. All in all if had Id bet on the N73 to rock your world.