I purchased this phone when I was priced rs.18, 500!This phone is worth every penny spent on it!
Nokia n73 stands as a winner in all aspects, its a **cool looking phone with gr8 sound quality and amazing camera!
Its got other softwarwes like mp3 cutter, 3-d ringtones and ofcurse basic application like calculator, calender etc!
THE best thing about this phone is that it very durable!MY nokia n7 has fallen a number of times on ground still its tough and nver gives any trouble to its users!
nokia n72 comes in the category of aperfect phone! ITS the best amongst the n-SERIES EDDITION of nokia! ITS GOT MAZING SOUND QUALITY!
THE best thing about nokia n73-
1.IT got a camera of 3.2 megapixel whih is awesome
2.Its loudspeaker is very very lound!and u dont need earphones to hear clear muzik!
3.It looks gr8!
4.its got big sreen!
4.its picture quality is jus amazing!
5.its a value for money phone!
6.its also got a memory card of 2gb!
7.THE most durable phone I have ever seen!
*IF u havent got this phone yet then uys better rush and buy this awesome masterpece!ITS a phone which u wont regret for buying!This phone completely rocks!
THIS phone comes in sevral colour like-
amongst which black looks the best!