Nokia users love and hate their handsets all at the same time. The same goes for N73, it does a lot of things. It just doesnt do them well enough
Build - Its a big phone and compared to whats on the market nowadays its positively huge. You can even use it as a weapon to ward of thieves
Software - the factory firmware is slow and nothing special though it comes bundled with office and adobe reader
An inbuilt music player which is not a big deal and the sound production is nothing great either
So why buy the N73...or any other Nokia for that matter??
3rd party software! thats why!
Since the 6600, the variety of software available for Nokia users is beyond the reach of other manufacturers and their customers
From productivity & security applications to hundreds of Java games, the N73 can keep you busy for a long time
With the launch of Ngage 2.0 games, the N73 can now play Ngage games.....Nokia doesnt officially support Ngage of the N73 but that problem is easily taken care of if one knows a thing or two about mobiles
So if you like your mobiles to be factory fitted standardised objects, never buy a nokia. But if you like to personalise your phone with themes, games and snazzy applications, Nokia is the way to go. The N73 is still slightly overpriced and agonizingly slow, but its a compromise im willing to make for the sake of some excellent 3rd party software support.