I would like to give my feedback for the big multi branded products which has actually branded names but they are no where.I am talking abt my personal experience with Nokia care..
I would like to draw your attention that please check about thier unprofessionlism how they people work?and take this issue on higher so that they can realize the value of customers..
Wrtiien to Nokia
I have purchased my N73 MUSIC ADDITION ON 27TH Apr08.
Its not even completed his 2months and my N73 has gone to customer care nokia 2 times.
As I have very bad experience about customer care centres.They take your phone keep it them for 20 days and after that return it to to with no service . Same thing happened with last year when I asked them they said we cannot do anything about your phone, now even after so much bad exp I purchased N73 from Hot spot Delhi.
Now on that phone nor camera is working , data has been lost itself, themes gets changes its self, Joystick and keypads are not working..its gets auto off, Hanging problem.
I have requested Nokia care centre to check my phone .They are dam unprofessional people.they dont have knowledge how to talk to customer .They even dont know how to write Nokia spelling properly.And they misbehave with me on that day .I have asked that my phone is not working they answered me that Have we told you to buy this phone?You have bought this phone for your conveninevce not for us. In front of 15-20 people.They have insulted me a lot.Infact they dont know how to talk to ladies. I got shock of my life when I saw people working like this in Nokia and making Nokia repo so down. Even they are working for Customer care .but actually they dont know what is customer care.I would have called Police at that time only but I thought @ the end f the day I have to get my phone repair from them only so I came back with silent mode.
I will tell you that how much I have suffered just bcos of Nokia,
Then I asked them to replacement of my phone but always I have to hear that this decision is taken care by high authorities in Nokia.How customer know that who is high authority .Nor they give any contact number of the person nor any email id ...I have to write this email just because that I am suffering a lot.
Spending a lot of money in one phone is not easy.
And also With in one n half month I have to submit my phone in Nokia care two times.
Please read the whole story :-
I have submitted my phone on 23rd Jun. @ dat time they asked me u please check your phone after 2-3 days.
25th Jun- I called BLR cust care.They asked me that your phone is repaired and kindly collect it from NOkia care .
26th Jun I went to Nokia care after waiting for 1hr there they asked me your phone has not come yet please check after two days.
28Jun I sent my brother to check again they asked it will be done till 30 jun
30 Jun I again went on they told me it has been repaired but we have not received till now.So you phone will be dispatched on Friday so please check your phone on 4th Jul.
4th Jul:-
I went again on 4th Jul they asked me to come on 5th Jul we will get by tomorrow please come and collect.So I could not go there after 5th Jul so I went there on 8th Jul.
I shocked to hear this thing from Cust care centre saying that we dont have spare parts for your phone.It will take another 10-15days for your phone.
You must have got to know till now.How unprofessionally Nokia work?Once customer paid the money after that there is no respnse from custmer care because Nokia has got money so Nokia cant do anything.
Being a normal customer I have left with no other option.
I need a little favor from you.I want my phone to be replaced.
And I want that Nokia to make his service quality better.As I am suffering there are hell lot of people suffering the same because of service.
I infact spending so much of money dont know whether I would get my phone or not?
My humble request is that Kindly look into the matter and revert.I have sent en numer of times email to Nokiaservices but always do not get proper answer.
I know I was not suppose to write this feedback here but I left with no other option.
If someone has value for their customers.Pleae help me to replace my headset.onika
Kindly have a attention on this matter and help me to get my hand set