Nokia n73 music edition is the finest phone among all other similar price range phones. It has all the possible features making it a smart as well as a lifestyle phone. Its wide screen is the focal point of this phone making it more attractive. It looks good in black than silver
Being a music edition, it supports almost all the file formats. It has a excellent sound quality competing with sony erricsons walkman series. It also has very loud but clear speaker sound. These features definitely attracts music lovers.
It is also provided with 3.2 MP camera having a lense of Carl Ziess, a world class lense manufacturer which gives quality of digital camera. It is also provided with secondary VGA camera for video calling which is yet to start in india. It also has FM facility
This phone is provided with some office utilities like word an power point which makes it a utility phone too. The only problem with this phone is it is too bulky in size which makes it difficult to carry.