Not only is the N76 having MAJOR issues with their outer color, I am yet to see a more disgusting customer service in all my life. Please see my email thread to them on this. This should summarize my frustrations. Even after waiting for 3 months now, I am yet to get anything in writing from Nokia about when I will get my phone back. Please avoid buying thisphony phone and if possible, pray that you never need to get in touch with Nokia Care(less) Center. In any other country, Nokia would have been forced to pay millions in damages but anybody can get away scotfree in India. No wonder they dont care about customers.
Hi Revathi Durai,
Following up on this email, I am seething with anger on this issue. All promises made by Nokia Care(perhaps you should rename it as Nokia
Careless) are hollow. Since the day I started checking on my status(I
was promised to get my mobile back on 11th Feb 2008 - not 11th Feb 2009)
I have received multiple tall promises by the great(dis)service center
folks and everytime the promised date moves further out by another 10
days with the often repeated words - "we have already escalated it, sir
and you can collect your mobile from the nokia care center on such a
date". The last in the list of promises was made on 22nd March
promising that my mobile will be replaced with a brand new one(I am
still praying and looking at heavens for the mobile to fall down from
the skies) on 2nd April. As usual, I never got any updates from Nokia Careless and when I followed up, guess what, I got the same old darned answer. I have decided that taking Nokia
to the consumer court is the only redressal I will ever get and have
discussed this case with a lawyer and also posted a query with the
consumer courts of India today. Being a tech-savvy customer, I have
also posted this customer disserviceoffered by Nokia
to various customer blogs today. Please prepare yourself to receive a
notice from the consumer court shortly. I wont recede from my stance
based on any more hollow promises. The only recourse for Nokia to salvage the situation is to give me either a new mobile by Saturday(April 5th 2008)
or refund the full invoice amount by this day. My patience has worn out
thin and unfortunately I cant withstand such a shabby treatment
From: NokiaCare
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 8:44:54 PM
Subject: Nokia - Jagannathan Srinivasan - N76 Service Provision
Dear Mr. Srinivasan,
Thank you for e-mailing Nokia Care.
This e-mail is in reference to the service provision of Nokia N76.
We understand your displeasure over the delay in the servicing of your
phone and sincerely regret the inconvenience caused. Please note that
this incident is not a true reflection of our services. Our endeavor is
to provide you with quality service and your feedback will help us to
improve it further.
We assure you that the matter would be
looked in to on a priority basis and one of our executives will contact
you within 48 hours to assist you further. Please be assured of our
best attention in resolving the concern in your phone.
We appreciate your patience and further solicit your cooperation.
For further enquiries, please feel free to contact our Technical Support Executives at 30303838 between the hours of 9:00am and 9:00pm, seven days a week. For online support, visit "Have a question? Ask Nokia" at You may also find answers to your queries at We reassure you of our continuous support.
Please help us improve our services by clicking on the following link:
Kind regards,
Revathi Durai
Nokia Care
-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 1:57:50 PM
Subject: Ask Nokia - India: Customer Service
[Feedback:The Nokia service simply sucks. I had given my Nokia N76 for service at a Nokia Care Center in Jayanagar, Bangalore. It was under warranty and the panel was defective. I was promised that I would get back my serviced/replaced mobile on 11th Feb 2008. Since 11th Feb 2008, I have made multiple calls to the Nokia Care Center and also
the escalation help line to no avail. I am still praying to God to get my mobile back. No assurances from anyone about when I will get it. Nokia seems to be treating customers like dirt. Please call me if you are interested in more specific feedback.]