It has been said that Nokia have spend three years to develop this Mighty phone. Well let me tell you, this is no wonder the most techadvanced phone right now.
a.Revolutionary web browser, truely mind blowing, as good as internet explorer, much better than Opera.
b. 3 Mega pixel camera for crystal clear snaps and outstanding video.
c.Wi-fi have been tested a HOTSPOT automatically defines its Access Points and u are online (Cool). This is what I call SMART feature.
d. Great asthetics, eye pleasing display.
e.Visual radio, real player, Mini SD card can be upgraded to 2 GB.
f. Host of third party softwares can be loaded, recently I got Office Suite06, Instant Messenger(imi+), World Mate06, and now my MIGHTY 80y is one powerful tool.
g. I have just upgraded the firmware to 3.0617.0.6 and believe me improvements are evident.
a. 3 year of development the battery remains the same, its power never improved. Very disappointing.
b. As all nokia phones the whole case/body seems to be loose, the slide action feels like a toy which can get loose and come off any time. The battery cover is like a soap case very LOOSE.
c. U have to be verycareful on day to day handling else the glass screen can develop hairline cracks from inside.