I am a die hard fan of nokia mobiles for the past severalyears. I have owned several phones from 3310 to N82 (At present), and I believethis is the last nokia branded product too. Let me narrate my worst experiencewith Nokia.
I bought a new nosier N82 from a reputed showroom (TheMobile store) on Friday, 2nd January, 2009. Even though the phonewas working fine at the store, the moment I turned on the phone after returninghome the phone showed a blank black screen and it didn’t boot up. I wascompletely baffled in that situation and stood amuck seeing Twenty thousandworth, my hard earned money, strucked deliberately from booting up within onehour of purchase. After a restless night I went to the mobile store and shoutedat them and demanded for replacement. They coolly replied that its againsttheir policy. Since I was very strong on my stand I finally got the replacementafter spending almost a day in the mobile store!
Now I have another brand new Nokia N82 in my hands. Butstill my bad time is not over. Now a dead pixel started creeping out after 12hours of usage. I really don’t know what to do at this stage. Since I amalready tired after fighting for a whole day for the replacement I am no longerinterested to fight again, and now I feel that I have done a ‘sin’ in getting aNokia mobile.
Nokia has been good in all aspects for so many years but nowits quality has got down upto the crater of the earth. The main reason behindthis is indiadoesn’t have strict laws to penalize these people. The worst part of it is wedon’t have replacement policy like other countries too. Otherwise I would havegot the replacement if there is any problem w 30 days of my purchase.
I don’t know wheather Nokia officials will read and respondto this if I mail them, if they do I need answers for the folloing questions,
Why there are no strict quality control measures to check the product before boxing the product. If it is there, why all the high end products which I got are defective?
Who is responsible for this, the buyer, the seller or the manufacturer?. Why should I take the responsibility and waste my time for getting the defect fixed for a brand new Nokia product on the very second day of the purchase?. That too paying such a huge amount of money.
Is there any replacement policy like other contries where the nokia takes responsibility to replace the product within 30 days of purchasing? If yes did the dead pixel problem is eligible for replacement.
I am completely unhappy with the product. I have decidednot to go for nokia hence forth. I know, in India we have to take all theseproblems with ease, where customers are respected only at the time of purchase!.And I know nokia will hardly take this issue seriously. But one thing for sure iam going to dissiminate this bitter incident with all my family, friends, and officecolleagues, and blog this incident to this world, so that others can be happywithout taking a wrong decision like me.
Guys, this is for all you ppl who read the reviews before buying some product. I do accept N82 is feature-rich, and its a beauty queen too. But as far as the quality and durablity of the product is concerned I seriously suggest you not to go for this product. This is mainly because you cant expect the quality and reliablity for the money you spend. You will finally be cheated by N82 looks and later realize when you get idiotic quality problems. Please think and take informed decision.