To all my cell phone freaks out there this is something you would love to have since this is the only Cell phone with a one of its kind 5MP with xenon flash clarity and I know you sony ercisson fans would like to jump on me and tell me that the k890i is better, me personally being unbiased would say in the n82 nokia is a notch higher
But there are a lot of things it lacks in to like keypad, the keypad is horrible expecially with my fat stubby fingers I always ended up pressing more numbers than one. The net is good to browse
Ok now for my agonising story I bought the N82 black in June and was amased like a kid wth his new toy and my happiness and excitment was short lived till the phone went dead on me in 3 days and the guys at Nokia were good to serve but couldnt figure out the problem and after a good one month I get a replacment of a silver colour which made me very upset since I loved my black one and in a week with the silver one we are back to square one with the silver one dying on me. and I get a silver replacment again which just took 2 weeks but this time there were no more problems and the phone works perfectly fine.
The above facts of my agony can be verified at the Nokia care centre at Chembur Mumbai.
But after all this I still say the nokia N82 is a fantastic phone I personally would advice people wanting to buy it should go for it