One of the best phones one can put his hands on. No issues with the software getting hanged and phone is pretty fast if you dont activate the antivirus software.The slide is not locked properly.It wobbles a bit and I got scratch on the top right side above numeric # 3 coz of sliding. Battery performance is not at all acceptable for phone of this price. Bluetooth headset must be given free (bundled) with the kit. The leather cover provided with the set acts funny. Whenever you try to open it, some keys get pressed and puts a call on hold and sometimes disconnects the call. The plastic is a bit cheap for phone of this price.
Got many pros GPS, Camera, Music Payer, WiFi, Web browser, Barcode scanner. List is endless. The web browser is superb as one can browse the full page as in PC. The sound quality is excellent if you dont compare it with W series phones from Sony. I also like the light detector keypad which switched off the keypad lights if there enough brightness in the surrounding. Looks too cool.