Well, I have read several reviews on the 95. With Mouth Wide Open I would like to say that me man is a Nokia fan since inception, (but moved to Samsung with my last 4 fones.)
Wanted an all-rounder fone, since I use wi-fi at home, work and every other ting, except 3G; plus wanted to get on the net and email and have an all-in-one multi-function device.
The N95 seemed to be a good pick, but it took a while to get used to. Not that it is difficult, but it is feature packed. One learns fast...after you have your tinga in hand.
Being a techie, with Gates, Apples and Pods (speaks volumes about the Jobs available, aint it?) and every thingamajig gizmo - noted that everything in the N95 worked like clockwork orange - well almost.
No hang-ups. Quick response. Easy functionality.
There has to be hicups - in every fone. I have not found anything perfect in the www (whole wide world) including cars, TVs and black and white gadgetry.
In fact I would like to customise my ideal fone, but whom should I contact? Or should I go to the drawing board and design one myself? *
But wonder why should I do so? Not my field...
Okay, here are the fiddly nigga (black areas) niggles.
(1) The keypad buttons are so tiny, and therefore not good for txting, especially if one has bigga fingers.
(2) The back-space key is so close to the cancel key that when I am writing a long txt I often end up pressing the cancel, instead of the back-space key. (Have learnt to stay far from that blood red cancel button, ) but Nokia should have got this thing sorted out a long time ago. Baby stuff. Even a novice trainee in their R & D team should have identified this proximity, betwix the back-space and cancel button. Can giants be dumbos? The dino was huge; but dint have muchof a smart brain, so scientists say and claim that they have proved it. We were not there in the dino ages, but we are in the Nokia age, so we can have our own personal assessment and judgement.
(3) Everything is in steps. Access should have been in one smooth flow, a la the lower end Nokias and Samsung n a coupla others.
(4) The camera button is fickle. One ends up pressing extra hard, or too soft. Not so great photo results. To say the least, horrible results in average light conditions. Ok in Bright sunshine or subdued studio light settings. Poor in all other conditions.
Cameras should not be in phones, and these fone companies should not bluff innocent folks with loud mouth boastful sales talks of a "the first 5 megs with flash!!!" and more "Blah, Blah, Blah!!!", when is does not do any good to have that much resolution, when the lens in small; and the cameras aperture range and other settings are not even suitable for entry level cameras. The flash works like a pooh. It is hit and miss. Sometimes okay, most times bad. Phew! And touted as a great 5-mega cameras. Better buy a cheapo fone, and a regular camera, if camera is what you are fascinated about, friends. A cheapo point-and-shoot at a heavy price, smirk!
(Probably becos I use DSLRs, I dont even regard the 5 megs and the camera feature of this camera.) Yeah , photo quality is poor, compared to competition.
(5) HORRIBLE FM sound quality. Quite shocked about this. New H-fones improved sound. (6) Equally bad Audio quality, but changing to high-end h-fones did the trick. (My sons 5700 does better musik).
( 7)Incredibly low talk time, need to charge every day, if one uses muzik. I have a spare battery. Carry your charger, especially if you are a music buff. Or intend to watch videos, et el.
Donno why great big names cannot come up with that 99.9 percent almo perfect fone. Would like to talk to Nokia on how a user wants his / her fone. Probably they should contact MouthShut to get my email address, or address the issues mentioned above.
Over all, quite a good fone, but dont expect the world, even for all the , 000 Ks you are putting in to it.
Looks nice, and feels good in the hand for a businessman, yet not an absolute eye catching unit.
Over all, a good fone, yet with a couple+ of niggles. Trust Nokia reads this review and comes up with a N2010 version. Meaning, bring in something futuristic, yet near to perfecto.
For those who think this review sounds negative, nay, it is not. N95 is a good fone. Take comfort that humans have not yet been able to clone themselves....and if and when (which probably will never happen) they achieve that, they will have (or never have) a perfect handfone for the user.
Even the Apples iPhone is a damp squib.
Well, for those who want the better earthly thing presently available, do go in for the N95.
I am averagely happy with the N95. It is a GREAT OKAY fone!!!