Nokia xl is very good mobile which can be rooted and we can change stock ROMS camera is very good In our review of the pioneering Nokia X nearly a month ago, we said we were uncertain of the Android-based platforms future. Considering the fact that Microsoft was, at the time, just about to gain complete control over the Finnish phonemaker, it seemed odd that the software giant would embrace something fundamentally dependent on its biggest competitors work.
Since then, the Microsoft-Nokia acquisition has been finalised, and not only has the Nokia XL been launched, but rumours of an improved second-generation Nokia X line are growing stronger. On the other hand, the Nokia X has received a hefty price cut and is already selling for around 25 percent less than its initial launch price Despite its obvious shortcomings, theres definitely a place in the market for the Nokia X, even with strong new competition in the form of the Motorola Moto E. Things arent quite as clear when it comes to the Nokia XL, a larger and more expensive variation of the X. In terms of features and specifications, the two are almost identical, which means the XL is at a disadvantage in a market already crowded with relatively modern Android and even Windows Phone devices.
The Nokia X line was meant to sit below the Lumias and attract entry-level customers to the Nokia brand, in the hope that they would someday graduate to a more expensive device. However, the XL is more expensive than the Lumia 525 and is just about the same price as the brand new Lumia 630 Dual SIM. Interestingly, while the 630 is a bit more powerful, it doesnt have a front camera, flash, or some of the other niceties that the XL does. Well examine this curious state of affairs along with our evaluation of the XL on its own merits.