The Nokia XR20 comes powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 480 SoC, which isnt really a performance powerhouse. Daily tasks such as browsing Chrome or Instagram dont pose a problem, but multiple heavy apps open at the same time stress the system to a point where the UI starts lagging. The phones score on Antutu V9.2.1 is 312, 594 which can be considered good for budget smartphones. This chipset cant handle heavy graphical performance, and the 6GB of RAM can feel a bit less when compared to other devices that offer twice the memory bandwidth. The 128GB internal storage you get can be expanded by using a microSD card. Nokia is also providing 3 years of OS upgrades and 4 years of monthly security updates to the stock Android 11 skin running on the phone. There is 5G support available as well for when the infrastructure catches up in the country.