The market today is flooded with variety of bathing soap with attractive Print and Electronic media advertisement(money gets paid by you only, later!!)
Also, we do not bother much about the harmful chemicals which deteriorate the skin in long run.
Here is indeed a pleasant change!!
Noni, whose scientific name is Morinda Citrifolia is the most versatile fruit of Indian origin(Andman and Nicobar Island). Noni has tremendous health benefits for all it`s part, be it`s bark, leaves, stem, flower or fruit. The name `Morinda` has been taken from the scientific name of Noni fruit.
Too good and appealing to your senses. You feel like as if Nature has gifted this soap as a gift to you!! The green background image of the pack reminds you of mother nature.
Feel and Look
The soap is in the shape of Noni Fruit, almost cylindrical and with unique external shape. You feel good holding and using it.
While Using
The foam generated is like any normal soap. The fragrance does not fill the bathroom!! But when I finish bathing I have a very satisfying feeling of complete bath. Perfect clean feel, unlike many other soap in which you feel a thin layer of soap even if bathing is complete!!
The ingredients
Morinda Citrifolia(Noni) and Aloe Vera Extracts. TFM is 76%
Rs 30 for 100 gram
Misc Info
This product is being manufactured in Pondichery by Varun Industry and being marketed by Noni Family Wellness programme, Chennai. It`s a product of Noni Research.
The pack writes
``Morinda Citrifolia fruit has been widely used by ancient civilizations for its health benefits. Please browse the internet to experience Noni`s amazing web presence more than 60, 60, 000 web links, thousand of testimonials and research articles.