While the trailer showed a glimmer of promise, I wasnt entirely convinced. However, wife trumps personal choice(Fast 8). Hence this review. Noor is a half sincere, nearly condescending albeit well intentioned film about a female journalist trying to find a real story, love, success, happiness etc. In the pursuit of said goals, she discovers her true nature.
Profound isnt it? Hold your horses. Noor is the kind of movie which pretends to be deep, but like its central character in the first half is superficial. Thats the major problem it doesnt know what it wants to be. Its a difficult film to like especially with a screenplay that takes route that it does. I have to admit I was surprised by the direction the screenplay took and for most people that would be the reason to watch this movie. But its the kind of surprise which ultimately leaves you underwhelmed.
The casting in this one is a mixed bag. Sonakshi really tries and scores in the first half, however does slip up in the intense scenes coming off as insincere. The impassionate rant about Mumbai saves her performance. Kanan Gill, the stand up comedian(love his pretentious movie reviews), is uncomfortable in this format. Purab Kohli is underutilized and I guess the blame goes to his characterization. The rest of the cast is serviceable.
Technically the movie is pretty neat. No frills cinematography capturing Mumbai, London pretty well and shows urgency in the tense scenes. Music is pretty good although I dont remember the tunes except the remix. Production values are neat and the apartment design is realistic.
Overall, it seems like an unnecessary movie weighed down by its many flaws especially a directionless screenplay and the tone consistency. If you have money to waste, go ahead.