I have been actively handling many cases against the NDPL. Everyday, there are a large number of cases filed against the NDPL. If I am not wrong, the bulk of consumer cases are filed against the NDPL and it is the single largest entity defending the consumer cases. The maximum cases are filed in the Shalimar Bagh Consumer Court against the NDPL. Most common problems of the consumers are as follows:
*1. Inflated bills
* a. For wrong or erroneous readings
b. For wrong calculations
c. For wrong assessment of the past.
d. For misuse etc..
*2. Defective Meter or Burnt Meter
Jumping of meter showing high reading for no reason
Threat of disconnection for non payement of inflated bills.
Raid of enforcement for direct theft or DAE (dishonest abstraction of electricity)*
*6. Restoration of electricity after disconnection.
- Settlement of bills through the Permanent Lok Adalats. ETC...
*Honble Supreme Court, Honble High Court, The National/State/Distrcit Consumer Court and The DERC have given various judgement against the NDPL and BSES. They have also given guidelines to be followed by the Discoms (including NDPL). But despite that, the cases coming to courts have only increased.
My advice to the consumer is that they should immediately rush to the appropriate courts against any default or negligence of the NDPL. They should avoid getting the matters settled through touts or agents and have faith in law.
The consumer may email me for free advise at juridica_law@yahoo.com
juridica_law @ yahoo.com