If an optimist did invent the aeroplane, then there was the pessimist who came up with the parachute. But things are more complex with a PC! Nothing can be worse than a virus attack that quietly ate away all your important documents (honey, have you seen my files today?)or tampered with your system (& you end up seeing not-so-funny-anymore messages!) or just did something bad to your PC (DUH!). I have tried many antiviruses (our LAN has been bitten by all sorts of bugs until now...), but Norton & McAfee stand out as the best. For now, Norton:
Its pretty easy to install & runs quitely (auto-mode)in the background or you may want it to make a big noise everytime it spots a virus(manual). Its very user friendly so help is something which youll rarely need. With the auto update option, you dont ever have to worry about attack from new viruses. The program senses even something that remotely resembles a virus & this is passed on to the guys at Norton who take care of the rest. E-mail protection is almost God-sent! You can scan another PC via your LAN for viruses.
They have two editions - one with single PC use license & the other has a corporate license for use in LAN. Both are well conceptualised, & best of all, WORK VERY WELL.
Ive used the personal edition in my laptop & in our lab PCs & our company has corporate version.
I would recommend Norton to everyone. GO GET IT!!!