Nutrilite is the worlds leader in multivitamins. They have been in thisbusinesss for over 70 years now and are leaders worldwide. They arealso theNo1 trusted brand in multivitaminsfor 4 years in Asia( as per Readers Digest Survey)
First of all- do we need multi vitamins?
I think its a no brainer- do we need good food- yes of course. Do we have it- obviously not
Ask anyone- there is a diet chart to follow to get your optimal protiens, vitamins and minerals so that you do not suffer later.
Some of us feel- I am healthy now, why do I need any of this. Well its like saying, my car is running ok, why do I need service?
Our habits, food quality and env are affecting us adversely and we allknow that. If someone does not believe- look around and see number offolks having bad cholestrol, BP probs, diabetics even in early 30s. Ifyou feel you are healthy- when is the last time you took a medicalmaster checkup
This is the reason why I started myself and my family on the nutrilitevitamins. My mom has Daily- a multivitamin, my dad has salmon Omega andmyself have both
Daily and Omega -3are the best. Daily has vitamins and mineralswhat body needs but cannot get from our normal food. To get the same, we need to monitor a lot of food and it would be almost impossible
My mom used to feel tired by evening, she does not any more. One of my relatives had the same- she started and is perfect now.
Omega is great for cholestrol and many heart related problems, so we are on it as a family
Cost also is not a lot, Rs 16 per day of vitamins, a glass of juice isaRs 15 and hardly gives 10% of the value.( a friend was contesting itand I told him- how many ciggarettes you smoke- he said Rs 50 worth-that was enuff to keep him quite:)
Omega is taken from salmon fish- best source of Omega-3. Cost is about 12rs per day- again worth it
My wife has done her nutrition certification and is a nutritionist-once she learnt about nutrition, we took this really seriously and areon the vitamins.
We cannot just rely on them, have to take care of things like exercise, oil intake etc but this is a v imp part of our healthy habits now
My wife has done a free health assesment for a few friends, relativesand many are on the same supplements. She does that now for anyone whorequests it - many folks have benefited.
In case you read this and would like one- drop me a note and will arrange it, even if its on the phone( in case out station)
There are many supplementslike Protien, Kids vitamins which we also use.
Reasons to Choose this brand( if you are convinced we need supplements)
1.In the business for over 70 years and 40 countries, R&D tie ups with many research universities
Totally organic farming
Have OWN farms- if u know most companies take raw materials from others
Awarded GMP from WHO
Most trusted brand in Asia for 4 years
Brand ambassadors like Ronaldinho, AC Milan FC, Adam Gilchrist( thoi do not really go a lot by this as self use is best experience)