Having long hair, I am constantly on the lookout of new products. I generally trust the big names like St. Ives and Clairol, but sometimes, I do wander into the Indian stock. For the first time I tried Nyle..Tulsi and Amla...and wonders alive!! Its fantastic!!
Its smooth, rich, frothy and smells great!! Hair loss, a constant problem in the winters bothers me no more..dandruff is a distant problem too. I would recommend this shampoo for everyone...long hair or short, straight or curly.
The natural ingredients condition your hair too, leaving it really shiny, and believe me, its not a lot of big talk...it really works..its magic!!Indian magic!! Try the small bottles till you find the perfect one for your hair...you have three options in this range!!
Although I did read some very good reviews of this shampoo earlier, I really didnt try it untill recently...and I am repenting it...so waste no time!! Go grab a bottle of this Indian magic potion!