I remember eight years back my mother had bought me this shampoo since all the other hair products at that point of time were too rough on my hair.Keeping that in mind, I decided to go for a change & persuaded my parents to buy this shampoo since its after all, HERBAL.We had bought the black pack which was for shiny black hair.It contained reetha, chamomile & lemongrass.True to its word, Nyle herbal shampoo is really herbal.The mixture of ingredients smell really nice.The only problem is the after effects.Nyle herbal shampoo is supposed to be mild.Well, its just a little bit too mild.With all the dust in the outside world, this shampoo doesnt do that good a job in keeping the dandruff away.The dandruff seems to return very quickly & you end up itching just two days after having this shampoo bath.All Im saying is that this shampoo is not working well for me, but it might for other.For example, my fathers totally in love with this shampoo.The big pack lasts for about 2 months approx.But all in all, I would prefer a shampoo which not only leaves me feeling fresh after a headbath, I want my shampoos to keep my fingers away from itching my scalp.