I went for acen and pimple treatment to nypunya clinic at jayanagar. I spoke with doctor and she did almost 70 to 80 percent will be cured, and I was happy to listen this. I said Ill go with treatment. She said micro needling will be done for 5 sitings and 2 sitings will be for some other things. Each sitting will cost 3000/-, and needle will cost 5000. I said ok and doctor gave some 2 creams and asked me to use for 2 weeks and come back, to check any side effects. After 2 weeks I went and she said its fine and lets start with main corse. I paid 8k on first sitting and under gone with micro needling, it will pain like anything even though they will apply anasthesia cream over face. After that she said dont go under sun light for 2 days, I took work from home and I followed what doctor said. on 4rd sitting I said to her as Im not able to see any improvements as my friends said. Doctor said no you are cured almost 30 to 50 percent. She her self confirmed its almost cured, but the People who used to see me daily confirmed that the is no use. Then I stopped after 5th sitting and I wasted 20k.
Conclusion: if you ate going to this treatment please see the improvement in 2 sitings and then take decision
I can give you a better suggestion, nothing is required just eat FRUITS in daily basis that is fine . Im following that and my face is good in 3 months.