The O2 Xda ii Mini is a monster packed in a midgets body....
The phone build is robust, solid and seems to be made specially for being dropped and banged by butterfingers like me, without any probelms what-soever.
I have yet to come across PDA with this kind of software embedding and finesse. It exudes a look of class thats apart yet is very functional as a substitute to your laptop, be it for mail or office applications.
Bundled with programs that suit every office/personal need this Pocket Pc phone is truly one of a kind.
Definetly woth a look if you are the one to make a style statement given the size of this peice as its much smaller and less bulkier than its Sony Erriccson Counterpart or even the HP counterparts.
With support of upto 2 Gb of MMC, you can store lots of music for playback that is crystal clear or even data which can be easily transferred from your Laptop via bluetooth or USB cables.
Even if you were to pick up a second hand piece, chances are you would still be happy with the performance, as the software and build is really really sturdy.
With the cmera at 1.3 MP, you can shoot pics or capture vids with ease and clarity.
So the next time you think of picking upa phone for style/office/personal use, consider and compare this Phone to the other brands....Ull see the winner emerge hands-down...the O2 XdaII Mini