Object Oriented Programming with C++ by E. Balagurusami has been accepted as the text book for the C++ language by many institutions and universities in India. If the creator of C++ Bjourne Strautstroup is too difficult for you to start with then I suggest a close look at this book to understand what C++ is, how it is different than C or how it is SuperSet of C.
IMP: Basically, you should learn C++ like JAVA, as a whole new language instead of thinking it a special C. The reason is OO methodology and way of programming needs a complete change in thinking patterns too. While it is 100% needed to know C and specially the Pointers part of it to get upto speed with C++ quickly. Wihtout pointers your life will be hell ! (Also, I suggest learning C++ first than Java. Java after C++ is relatively easy task due to absence of Pointers in Java!)
The first edition of this book was a consize and short text book with the 2nd edition the book has increased two-fold. The topics like STL (Standard Template Library) and Templates are added and enhanced. Overall coverage has been increased, many of mistakes from teh 1st edition have been cured but there are still logical mistakes in some of the sample code used to illustrate C++ features.
The organization of the book is classic text-book sort. The tokens, key-words, Data Types and constructs (decision making, loops, interactions etc) of the language are discussed one by one as initial chapters go.
The conepts of Data Abstraction/Hiding and encapsulation are discussed with example (Class). It explains Private, Public etc and methods their syntax and different storage qualifiers for the data members. Constructors, Destructors make their appearance and make things look like interesting.
The real fun starts with inheritance: multiple, multi-level; Static Polymorphism using function overloading, operator overloading etc etc. Sequence of Constructor calls. However the book doesnt explain what inheritance versus containership means and what one should choose under what circumstances. It also doesnt explain that C++ or any such language doesnt do any good to performance or rather it slows down applications considerably at times. Added complexity is another matter. Why use C++/OO language is hardly covered in the book.
From Inheritance you enter Run-Time Polymorphism with virtual functions, it again doesnt explain how (Vtable) it is achieved neither it gives practical like significance of it. Nothing against the book but you should be aware that at some point you need to think about it too.
The (so called) advanced topics like STL are covered just with coverage enough to get you understand the content but again doesnt explain which template to use when for a practical problem. Vectors and Maps should be stressed with some examples in my opinion.
One of the classic OO addition to C++ i.e. Exception Handling is handled in also a classic way and is sufficient to address conceptual and syntax needs but it doesnt provide as insight as to how to structure exception handling in nested scenarios, at lower levels, at all levels or at pre-determined imp levels.
Other essential topics like File Handling, Console Management String handling are handled quite appropriately. The author does deal with limited coverage with the need for all this Dravidi-Pranayam of using C++ (OO) instead of C (procedural) with two chapters: the first one: Principles of OO Prog and last one : OO Systems Development.
This book can be used to learn the language C++ instead of generically OO concepts. It is a classic Text Book sort with contents presented in a straight forward manner and considering how Indian students/mindset thinks or uses books! So an ideal fit for the institutions or class-room studies. However, keep one thing in mind that you got to learn OO Design Patterns, OOAD Methodology to truly appreciate Object-Based Programming. Books by Eric Gamma, Grady Booch etc shoudl help you in this matter. I suggest use this book to start on a topic in C++, then refer another like Stratstroup for the same topic and so forth (instead of going thru this one completely).
P.S. If you have trouble understanding pointers, I highly suggest a look at Yashwant Kanetkars Let us C, Exploring C and Pointers in C books.
Object Oriented Programmig with C++ by E Balagurusamy
ISBN : 0-07-040211-6
Tata McGraw-Hill ( http://www.tatamcgrawhill.com)