The book Object Oriented Programming with C+ of E.Balagurusamy is a Fantastic Book. It is difficult to learn but Author E.Balagurusamy simply write this book. This C+ Book is derived from C Language. It Covers 99.9% of the C+ Syllabus. The 0.01% that I left is for a little bit errors, which are printing errors.
Else the book is Fantastic.
Basically a student must know C+ before learning Java Course C+ is the base of java.
All these Contents( Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Data Abstraction, & Pointers) are properly written & Explained in detail with Examples.
But from My Point of View, Pointers is a bit tough to be learnt.
Else the Book by E.Balagurusamy is Dam Good & Fantastic to be Learnt for learning C+.