Ive been waitin for this one for a long time now and im some what proud to say I caught the first day show!
Well if ur a Oceans fan u would even be bothering readin this review. well for those who are not fans but would still like a good laugh, heres a movie that would make sense to you even if you have not seen the prequels.
I love the ocean movies cause theyre damn confusing and right at the end when all secrets are revealed you just fall off ur chair rubbin ur stomach n tryin to stop laughing!
Well all u fans out there, u might wanna catch up the prev two parts, just so that u remember how things went cause nothings changed!
The jokes, the fight between the brothers, the half stopped dialogues, the incomprehensible chinese and the nail biting suspense of how theyre gonna do it! Ull be sittin on the edge of ur seats all throughout and just when u think its over, BAAM! theres another sham!
Well enuf said, get going. watch this n tell me how it was!