GENRE : thriller/comedy
Plot Outline: Danny Ocean rounds up the boys for a third heist, after casino owner Willy Bank double-crosses one of the original eleven, Reuben Tishkoff.
Released in the year 2001, the first dish of ocean series was palatial in itself, warm condolecenses to the people missing the beginning of an era endured with the succession of third sequel to the series currently, the "oceans 13".
Thirteen"s most conspicuous—and questionable—departure is the exclusion of any romantic interest for Clooney or Pitt. This one is all about the boys!
With **the tagline "revenge is funny" , what the revenge here actually meant.
In a nutshell key players Danny Ocean(liquid velvet George Clooney) and Rusty Ryan(Brad Pitt) set out to avenge the betrayal of their beloved guru Reuben Tishkoff(Elliott Gould). Tishkoff was a trusting half-partner in Vegas’ hottest hotel casino(The Bank) until kingpin Willie Bank(Al Pacino doing his sleaziest lounge lizard) screwed him over to the tune of millions.
The** duplicity lands Tishkoff in critical condition from sheer shock of losin everything. Ocean and company want revenge. What else to do but to take down Bank in a high-profile crash-and-burn?
As ocean says in the movie "Banks’ biggest strength is also his weakness – his ego." And sabotaging his casino on opening day is a plan that feels ever so sweet. But first they have to beat the Greco, an artificial intelligence security system that thinks and reasons and is so impenetrable it can’t be beat. Or can it?
The** boys won’t rest until they make right by Tishkoff, carefully crafting a multi-tasking casino scam that works its way from the bottom d – the Mexican factory that manufacturers magnetized dice – through the middle – rigged slots, snitched technology – all the way to the top in the form of filthy rich funds courtesy of formerly swindled money-man Terry Benedict(Andy Garcia) on the pretext of giving precious diamonds in return(oughly worth 3 times the investment!).
The** boys are in rare form; smooth and breezy in that cooler-than-thou way that garnered so many fans in 2001. The regulars – Don Cheadle, Matt Damon, Casey Affleck, Scott Caan, etc. – do what they do best, plying criminal dexterity with hip panache. Pacino and right-hand woman Ellen Barkin ratchet up the tension, sexual and otherwise.
What** needs to be appreciated is the way or the pace of the movie is so logical and intelligent never witnessed earlier. Nobodys trying very hard, and you dont attend because youre passionately invested in the outcome. Its just a pleasant way to relax for a couple of hours in good company.
Also the background score matches up the cinemetography so well that may be an average audience wont even realise the difference.
Director** Steven Soderbergh quite deliberately turns his back on the conventions of heist films. Rather than constructing a crisp, economical blueprint for a casino raid, he creates a shaggy-dog story where the mechanics of the robbery are secondary to the easygoing atmosphere, the characters interplay and hipster filmmaking flourishes.
( note:-not a single action sceene in the movie, ever imagined!)
All **the players have a standout comic moment, from Clooney and Pitt lampooning their bleeding-heart offscreen identities to Chinese acrobat Shaobo Qin, who finally, and very profanely, speaks English. The easygoing atmosphere onscreen translates to a lightweight caper comedy where the stakes are low, but the payoff is enjoyably high.
With** an effortless sheen, groovy editing . Its all about the simple joy of the scam, the cheeky camaraderie of the characters and the gleeful satisfaction of seeing a true baddie get his just desserts. No, theres nothing else to it. And that feels just right.
Go catch this flick along with your family and friends. Its worth every single penny.
And get back to me and do comment!.