MT4 ID(OctaFx trading account number): 19437647
Broker Name: OctaFX
Server Name: OctaFx-Real7
I was trading with OctaFx for almost 1 year.
last week I was trading XNGUSD pair with OctaFx, and I made some profit of USD$ 3156.
However, they deducted it the next day(all 3156 dollars) and banned my account without an explanation on their end.
13/04 – I was trading XNGUSD . I had gained some 3156 dollars, next day they deductted all 3156 dollars and blocked my account, I had 2 accounts in mt4, All my floating positions on XAGUSD, XTIUSD were forcefully closed by OctaFX.
and all the positions in my 2nd account(in which I didnt even trade that) was also closed.
I tried to contact their customers support, however they are unable to explain anything regarding this incident to me. first they diverted me to TCD team and suddenly blocked my account, then They diverted me to send an email to their KYC Team as they are putting my account into Read-Only Status to investigate on my trades. Email was sent from my end to the KYC Team to understand more about why this is happening.
15/04 – KYC team reverted to me. They banned my account with clauses “Service denied in accordance with the p. 3.10 and p. 4.7 of the Customer Agreement”
"3.10. The Company reserves the right, at its discretion, at any time to refuse to provide the Services to the Client and the Client agrees that the Company will have no obligation to inform the Client of the reasons."
"4.7. Orders opened or closed by off-market quotes can be cancelled”
MT4 ID(OctaFx 2nd trading account number): 26966040
Broker Name: OctaFX
Server Name: OctaFx-Real5
I am really disappointed because they blocked my 2nd mt4 account which had 8160 dollars as balance, and closed all the trades and positions automatically after blocking, and after that also I have a remaining deposit balance of 2101.69 dollars, but they didnt let me withdraw it as they blocked and when I asked them to give me refund they denied me refund, when all this happened because of a technical issue from octafx side on XNGUSD. they took all my money, I hadnt even earned profits yet, it was my deposited money, and I just want my money back which is 2101.69 dollars, I have attached the screenshot for proof.
I asked them a number of times but they are refusing to give me my money back, whereas I can see they have given people their profits refunded for the trading done on 13th april 2023, but here I am asking my deposited money they are not refunding me which is in my 2nd mt4 trading account, I just want my deposited money which they are refusing it and it was their technical fault in XNGUSD. they ae giving other people refunds for their profits earned on 13th april, I am not even asking profits which was 3156 dollars, I understand they were cancelled but after closing all the trades forcefully atleast they can give me what is remaining, I am helpless here, I never thought this would happen, please help . PLEASE GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY