Mosquitoes not only apoil our sleep, but the main cause of most of spreading diseases is mosquitoes. Therefore protection from them is the priority of all.In this way we require a working mosquito repellent. There are many types of repellents in the market.For the last few days I have been using one of these, namely Odomos. This comes as a cream contained in a handy tube. And it is very easy to use, it is applied to the body. So lets talk about the Results : I found that after scouring it on the body, there arises a strong odor which is not so bad, and in a short time this gives away mosquito. But let me tel you one thing it is not so effective for a long time, as I felt. So do not expect that in this way you will be protected for the whole night.One of the most important point, during the use of it I so worried about is that it is a repellent and there must be some chemicals which can harm our children. Because after applying it on a childs skin, if he/she licks it then the chemicals can also go in his or her stomach. Which may be harmful.So finally I think it can be instant mosquito repellent but I would not like to use it again.