The mere sight of the tube makes me feel sick. When I was a kid... there used to be no such repellents as Good Night or liquid ones. Only available were Odomos and Tortoise. The smoke of Tortoise coil was far better.
The Yellow coloured cream is very sticky and has a very offensive smell. That is why the mosquitoes do not sit on the surface where the cream is applied. But they keep on wandering near your ears making a buzzing sound... disturbing your sleep.
Moreover, the next day, your skin feels irritating (...why do we need mosquitoes then??). This cream is one of the most hopeless idea of repelling mosquitoes...
The only situation that I can use it in is... if (and only if)I have to spend a night in a jungle with large number of mosquitoes.. and definitely, I will take my bath before sunrise the next day..