There are many things that decide a movies box office fate: Our own expectations, the way the movie was promoted and the content in the movie. All these three were somewhat mismatched in this "officer".
Expectations:high. This is the reason why everyone is calling the movie a flop, because they expected some kind of magic when rgv and nagarjuna join hands after a long time! My advice before watching this movie: Keep expectations to a minimum.
Promotion: The movie should have been promoted in a better way. The trailer didnt elicit proper response simply due to the low energy and lesser-than-good mixing of the shots.
Content: It has good content with an ordinary climax, but it could have been told in a better way. Film makers like Sam Raimi
were not great because of their stories but the way they told them. A simple example: spiderman story was not theirs, but they told it so well that fans forgot that the spiderman in that movie was way way different from the comics version. I like the fact that RGV tried to use a different type of sound design and mixing as well as some interesting camera angles, which I liked, but the most important screenplay and characterization was weak. This is where the audience gets disappointed. With proper resources and support, RGV can make a brilliant movie, but it is his choice if he wants to improve in this area or not.
I am an RGV fan, not because he makes unsuccessful movies but because whenever I watch his movies I see a spark and his signature styles which are unique as well as prove that he is one of the rarest film makers who try to make different movies most of the time and use new techniques.
So final verdict: This is an above average movie which not many would like due to the below average screenplay but someone who likes cop movies and thrillers will like this one.