Hi, today in the morning I was waiting for a rickshaw, a ola cab with number plate KA02 AF 1325 came near me and asked where I wanted to go . I said Bypanhalli metro station, he negotiated and said then said ok for Rs. 100 .
As we moved not even 250 mtrs a call came and he said he will have to stop and asked me to get down . that time I got to know he is a OLA driver. Dont you guys have any company policy . Please dont get me wrong but OLA has the most pathetic drivers and service . When I yelled at him for doing this wrong thing he wanted to hit me .
Shocking . I dont know if any action will be taken against this pathetic driver but I will definitely never ever take ola and share this with as many people as possible . Trust me you guys have a long long way to go to come close to the standards of UBER . You have managed to copy literally everything what Uber does however with regard to service they just stand tall . hope u manage t copy that as well someday .