I have used Olas services quite a few times, I has made it easier to hire Autos to go to any location as compared to asking each auto person whether he would take me their, now I just say where I want to go and the auto guy comes to me, the other good thing is that these Autos guy charge as per meter( mostly) and I had made it very simple to book a cab ride which also quite instant
My experiences
1) Auto: To me the auto service is best part of Ola, as I dont have ask each and every person would he go there and then bargain the fare with him, this was a most needed thing atleast for the autos they in our city they these guys had looting people by asking even double the regular fare for no reason, I have never faced any issues with auto was the auto guy asking for some extra money.
2) Cabs This was my first Ola( Mini cab) ride and the cab guy did not turn on AC for the whole ride and as I was not aware that the fare is for AC ride I could not do anything, I must say that these cabs drivers are not as hospitable as the other cab services . There was another instance where the cab driver came to our house after making us wait for about 15 mins and then just cancelled the ride and told us that he could privately and not via Ola then he demanded Rs.300 for a Rs.200 ride to which we had to agree as we were already late to reach Railway station lastly we paid him Only Rs.200 after threatening of complaining it to Ola and that I make to sure of getting him blacklisted to which he some how got scared and agreed( he had a new vehicle with temporary registration so being new could be the reason) but it was still a loss to me since I had a coupon which I could not use.