It was New Years eve. I had made reservations with OLA to pick us up from a party place. The booking was made well in advance. We(two ladies including) get stranded in the middle of the night in a deserted place with no calls, messages whatsoever from the OLA driver.
I called Ola to enquire. I was told that there was no driver available now. Remember, that I had made the booking and got a confirmation about 24 hours prior. And they simply wash you off with their stauchSorry Sir. The most difficult part for a customer is when you are presented with a call center guy not having any contacts whatsoever with a higher official. I made 9 calls, each of them were stubborn and offered no solution, and didnt even sound apologetic about the situation.
These are businesses that treat us like some data points on their marketing map. Please dont fall for their discount offers. Please dont entrust your schedule with OLA. They cheat, quite bluntly.