I should say that I have made the most with ola cabs.The networking of cabs particularly at Coimbatore is excellent.there are at least 4 cabs around us which can reach us in few minutes here.the charges too are very economical and the online payment method is very comfortable.here in comparison to the rate cards provided by autos the ola cabs gives us wholesome savings when comparing to autos
1)the reachability is more
2)get to the place faster
3)rate card is cheap
4)very comfortable and safe
5)luggage can be accommodated well
6)a bit on the prestigious side .
7)here the app only is required to book rides.
They have gud reactiveness on emergency too.which makes me feel that in days autos might reduce in count or rather decrease their rates considerably to make people consider.
Ola also gives additional benefits when the app is updated or when there are festival seasons.coupons are available at various websites like coupon dunia.we can comfortingly add some bucks in our ola wallet and then use it when it is required.
The drivers are too given lessons on How to deal with the ones who get in for a ride.
thank you ola.