This is the Worse cab service in India I have ever seen . It became popular In India only for advertisement of the service in television . Last time I use the ola more then 2 months ago . At first the cabs drivers are uneducated and using the bad words on the journey thats why I am not using ola with my family now a days . More than 80% drivers of ola Service are very careless about the passengers. Aslo more of them even dont follow the traffic rules . I do not know how Ola can select this types of drivers for their service. The ola App is not much more responsive type and it dose not work in any 2G network and the App is very complicated for those who did not use the ola app before . The cabs never comes in the right time they always make late to reach the pickup point . I used ola more then 7 times till now and for their Bad behaviors and the worse service I am not using their Service.