Priyanka Gusain boarded an Ola to Chanakyapuri on a Saturday afternoon. She noticed something fishy about the drivers sitting posture. When she realised he was recording her video, she felt violated. She took him to the police station to lodge an FIR. He was detained for a day or two. As it was a bailable offence, police asked her to file a complaint with Ola. She raised this issue with the cab aggregator and all the management had to say was, "Apologies for the bad experience the team will get in touch with you regarding the issue."
The driver should be held accountable for his actions. Ola management should be taking care of this than just apologising. They must ensure a passengers safety and privacy. Minor crimes lead to a major one, they need to be stopped in time.
She wrote in her post:
"I am going to narrate something that happened with me in an OLA cab.
This is a caution advice to all females and an eye-opener for OLA
It was 12:43 PM and I was travelling to Chanakyapuri in an Ola cab. My drivers name was Abhilash Singh, CRN No. 299860428.
As the cab moved on for the destination, I went about checking my emails and answering some important work related phone calls. However, I sensed something extremely strange about the cab driver. His body posture was defensive and he would constantly look at me in the rear view mirror. Not knowing whether to trust my gut feeling, I discounted it as my brain telling me to be cautious.
Moments later, my attention was pulled towards a phone which was neatly placed at an angle on his hand which allowed the aforementioned driver to very easily and comfortably record the happenings in the cab.
It was then that it hit me; he might have been recording a video. I did not realise this initially but the moment I sat in his car, his phones front camera was fixed in my direction.
I asked him to pull over and confiscated his phone. What I saw left me shocked.
There it was, a video of me, all of me. My every gesture, movement, each word uttered was recorded on his phone. Never in my life did I ever feel this violated.
Imagine, had I not known, some random stranger would have been walking around with a video of me in his phone, in his pocket, meant to be shared or something.
In what I thought was my privacy and the comfort for which I paid, I was violated.
I handed the guy over to the police because tomorrow CV such videos may fail to satisfy what he seek.
The policeman told me something franklymadam, ye chhoot jayega, its a bailable offense.
The driver is probably out right now, driving some girl somewhere and violating her in ways the law does not seem to recognize.
I want to urge Ola to take strong action against this employee because if need be, I will escalate this matter further. #olatakeaction"
Heres the post for reference: