Ola cab is an online car booking service which had already got a good response from its customers. But as the day passed out there service has become dull.It has many big issue which this company should solve fast to maintain there reputation.
When you book Ola cabs online, I have never seen it not accepting due to lack of taxis.also if they see that taxi availability is an issue, they will never call an couple of hours in advance, so that you can make alternate arrangements. They always call 5 minutes reporting time to let you know that "no taxis are available in your area."
After having a good ride experience from Ola I have come across this problem that driver are not doing there work with satisfaction.They always to cheat there customers asking them some extra charge without any reason.The service should make sure that they are paying there drivers at time.
Drivers of Ola cabs are not knowing even the name of the destination for drop and the most important, the way for destination.
They are totally unreliable
they always come with new offer.From which the customers are always confused.They are disabling accounts which has referral amount.
Why they advertise for referral schemes if they are not able to fulfill their commitments.
Most of the time, driver calls u and says he can not come or he would not go to the destination.
Seems they are auto drivers who deny for most of destinations.
Poor cab service. One Ola driver called up and said book another if you want it on time.
Also they are cheating customers with referral scheme.