Before you buy any phone you should note that this is probably the wrong time of years to do so. The recently announced LG G6 and sony xperia x2 premium are not yet on sale, the samsung galaxy s8 wont be announced until the end of march and well be waiting a longer for thr annual update of the HTC and one plus flagships. When we review smartphone we take into account their build quality and design, ease of use, feature, performanve and value althought the latter isnt always such a big deal when it comes to a prove you are most likely to buy in a contact. Generally speaking a flagships phone will cost between £500- and £ 600 or between £40- and £ 50 per month on a contract. If you are buying sim free then you should also check out our best sim only deals values becomes more important when you consider older generation phone. For ex our still think the samsung galaxy s6 is better than many of the phones in this chart especially when you consider that it is now available. Under £40 sim free. However we move all older - generation smartphone to our best mid- range phone chart and you will now find the galaxy s7 & s7 edge sitting at the top of this best phone. 1) Samsung galaxy s7 edges : - The galaxy s7 edges is no longer the semi- gimmick it was before although some of the main features are things from the galaxy s5 micro SD & water proofing samsung has given fans what they want its now a refined sophisticated and highly desirable pieces of technology. The battery isnt removable but phone lasts longer than before and has seriously powerful spece under the hood. It his almost everything you could want from a phone even though thr IR blaster is gone. We are also very impressed with the new camera & unless the screen is too big for you. We think its worth getting the s7 edge for the extra £ 70 with its gorgeous lookes & extra functionally. Right now, this is the best smartphone money can buy.