Acne or pimples or zits are usually seen during the teens and also among 5% of older adults. This is most sought after skin condition that affects your psyche and self-esteem when you look at yourself.
The need to have a flawless skin gets bigger due to acne which can persist for a long time. It is caused primarily due to the hyperactivity of the oil glands and is commonly seen on shoulders, upper arms, face, chest and back. It may also be due to hormonal imbalance, stress, pollution etc. whatever may be the reason behind acne, though the grief and agony is truly hitting, it is not the end of the road.
With advancement in technology, the treatment for acne is successful to a large extent now. A key to deal with acne is early and prompt treatment under guidance of expert dermatologists. Oliva has become the choicest destination for many in this segment.