Really buying and selling is very easy with this app the concept of this app is really very good and also the design of the web is good no leg whatsoever in the app.The work office AP state this app is useful for buy product on sale product there are many categories for selection of the product in you can sell everything and anything on this app.
I really want to share my real experience that I faced with this app in past I had a mobile and I bought this mobile from local market for 9500 rupees but after 1 years when I want to sell a product in local market I only received 4000 rupees and this price is low to the comparison of initial price then I listen about olx app then I insert a advertisement in OLX then I get call from the customer and customer directly said me that I will give you 4800 with this experience I said that I received 800 more with this app so thank you so much OLX. Really this app is very very useful for buy or sell a product second hand.