I am back with another review on the most popular website to sell used goods and productsOLX.in. This website is being so popular that even if you ask anyone that you need to sell or purchase used goods, everyone will ask you to sell it on OLX or purchase it from OLX.
This reason for the popularity of this website is a lot of advertisements. They have concentrated a lot on their advertisements and now a days, we can watch and listen their ads on almost all the TV channels, FM radio channels, etc.
However, I have a very bad experience with OLX website as I put several products over there to sell and none of them have been sold out. First of all, I wanted to sell my smartphone which was in a very good condition. I have uploaded the pics and the details of the phone on OLX and waited for almost three months but did not receive any alert or notification regarding the same. Finally I have sold it to a local shop at a cheaper rate. Same thing happened with my laptop and it has not yet sold out.
Overall, I would not prefer to sell or purchase any product from OLX as it is a lot more easier to sell them through local merchants.