This website is pretty much competent to buy and sell used stuffs like cell phones, cars, bikes, land, property, garments and almost everything whatever we use without paying any commission or rather I should say without any involvement of any agent or broker. Both website and the app help me to connect to the best of the buyers and to get the best deal done for free. The website and the app both are very straight forward and easy to use. You just have to register yourself on for the first time or you can post an advertisement without registration too but I recommend you to register yourself before buying or selling anything on Both in and olx app is damn easy to use. just take the photograph of the product you want to sell, enter a fare price, give a proper and true explanation of the product then submit and thats it. Recently they have launched some lucrative add packs so that your product could be sold bit faster with a great value. In olx app they maintain your privacy very strictly. Even there is no option where you can put your contact number when you use it on smartphone. If someone wishes to purchase your product then if he / she send you messages and if you feel that you should share your contact information with him / her then only your contact is visible to the next person chatting on the other side of olx. I would recommend you all to use or the olx app to buy or sale any used products with a good price.