Hi guys I am sharing experience of olx.in.
Olx is a website for selling old item but its website not comfortable for selling old item its website give good service. Compare to other website in the dashboard. Its website is not clear one time I upload my ad unit on this website. I am not satisfied or website service.
Olx.in has uploaded I received add and its product quality is minimum olx.in. If you uploaded your ad on eBay. Fastly its review then its give approved to active your Id within 30 to 60 minutes it website ad quality is good.
If you buy any product from this website you contact with product owner then you discuss with delivery payment. Olx has give same service on its website and application both but its app is good compared to its website because its up give you options for uploading a ad. Olx is good but not reliable for selling those you give its website good quality of photos and you give more time away to other websites.
Thank you.