Hi Friends/ camera lovers,
I am a gadget lover. When it comes to quality, I never compromise. My first digital camera was an Olympus. An Olympus mju700.
Little did I review this product before purchasing it keeping in mind that it was an "Olympus" and the Brand name it is associated with, isnt something somebody would give a second thought, well maybe, I dint.
I had bought this camera during May 2006 from the Photo speed company an Olympus showroom(Brigade Rd Bangalore) and was amazed by the features it had. It was water resistant, really tiny and it packed a 7.1 MP 3x optical zoom feature. MRP Rs 19995
I might have used the camera and taken around 300 snaps in it. And then it stopped working!
and to my bad luck I had just crossed the one year mark. It apparently stopped functioning during September 2007. All I used to get after switching on the camera was a Blue screen with some numbers on it saying FE02 error or something. Mind you, Even though the camera was water proof, it was never exposed to rain or any other liquid. I always stored it in a travel pouch. Never was it dropped, ever.
I took it to the Same shop(Olympus showroom) and gave it for repair. Apparently, they said that a minimum of Rs 500 will be charged if the camera was to be checked. I couldnt help but pay,
After a week, I get a call saying that the Camera auto focus mechanism was not working and I needed to Pay, guess how much? Rs 4600 to get it fixed!
How much is a 7.1 MP canon camera(an example) today? around Rs 6000!
So dear friends. is this justice? I tried contacting the Olympus centres, none of them have responded neither have anyone give any contact numbers or for that matter no one cares. The Mju 700 no longer exists!
Olympus Sucks
*PLEASE DO NOT BUY CAMERAs FROM OLYMPUS, they might look great and attractive. But just a piece of crap!