Excellent Prosumer model. Can be used by novices, amateurs and pros who do not want to carry heavy DSLRs and assorted lenses. Has good manual controls and zoom. Has video recording and viewfinder.
Can function as point and shoot in auto mode though it will be grossly under using the capacity of such a fine camera.
Good if you want to transition from a point and shoot but do not want to invest in DSLR and lenses.
Suitable when travelling or trekking and do not want to carry DSLRs and lenses.
I have used in extreme hot , wet, dust and extreme cold conditions. Good and bright LCD, doesnt get smudged. Excellent grip with a solid feeling. Especially good if you are hiking.
Best part is AA batteries which are available everywhere. So no need of electricity requirement for charging.
Only con I feel is the xD card, slightly difficult to get and more expensive than SD card.