I planned to buy a stunner bike from om sai honda cause they were the nearest to my place
1) First of all the finance problem-
I am 20 so I cant get a loan n my dad is 65 so they dont give a loan to him in spite of having a good business with clear IT returns. I wanted to take a loan cause I wanted to pay the installments myself. So finally got this bank (UNION BANK) which agreed to give a loan on my dads name all this procedure took 2 weeks
2) Went I went to the showroom and told them I will be doing my own finance so what procedure is to be followed they told me, bank will complete all formalities and give the pay order
Next day I went to my bank (which is in BANDRA) they told me the dealer has to give a quotation so I called these guys and asked him y he didnt give he apologised and told me to collect it from the showroom in MALAD both places at a distance of 15km
Next day I went and collected the quotation from Mr Sudhir a sales guy from this dealer. My bank passed my loan but told me they would be needing form 20 from the dealer, I called this guy again and shouted at him(y can u guys do all the work at one time). I went and made my payment on 19th May 2010 and bought back the form 20 got it filled by my bank and went again to Malad to submit it. This time the dealer told me that the bank has not attached a trade certificate. Next day I went to my bank a blasted on them, how many trips should I make, if I went to temple these many times god would deliver bike to my place
Finally went and submitted all documents on 20Th may 2010, (bill was made on 19th, on which 10 days delivery date was written). The day I submitted my documents that sales guy Mr Sudhir was on leave, an other employee Mr Ganesh checked my documents and accepted them and told he would forward to Sudhir when he comes.
When I went to see the bike they told delivery of 3-4 days and on bill they wrote 10 days. so on 29th I called them up to enquire about my bike.They told me delivery was tomorrow i.e 30th. On 30 before leaving I gave them a call, It wasnt my delivery but a guy with a similar Name like mine who had a activa. During this period(20-25) Mr Sudhir( sales guy )whom I submitted the documents was absent so no procdure was done.
On 31th May 2010 Ms Vandana calls me from the showroom and tells me that my documents are missing and I have not submitted them (form 20) which I submitted to Mr Ganesh on 20th May when Mr Sudhir was absent
This time I got mad I told her I dont want to buy a bike give my money back and abused them too and told her that I had submitted the docs on so and so date and where Mr Ganesh had kept them(In a drawer near customer desk). Following my instructions she found the Form 20, now shez telling me the banks trade certificate attached along is invalid as the address doesnt mach
I conformed with my bank they told me they give the same certificate only to all customers so I told Ms Vandana to send the documents to RTO for the number,
Today my documents have been sent, tommrow my number will come if Stupid RTO official doesnt reject it (if he does I will have to go to RTO for varification)
if all goes well I will get my bike on 3rd june 2010
a month of ordeal
buy bike from any other honda dealer in the world
I am handing them just for the bike(cause honda make quality products) otherwise would have gone there and broken every ones heads
Totally Mismanaged