I enjoyed watching this movie. The best part I felt about this film, is its dialogues, dialogue delivery, wonderful starcast and great acting.and of course, the bold story and its depiction.
In all, I have enjoyed the movie. I am not much of a hindi fim viewer, but this one was excellent- fresh in its perspective. Paresh Raval, Akshay Kumar, Mithun C., the othervillains whos name I forget, and all the other character artists have done a great job. Whoever wrote the story originally, Im that persons fan. Who is the original writer of this story, only God knows, as its taken from a Gujarati play, but I read its an old hindi movie remake. so. whoever wrote this bold take on putting the holy ministers on stand, and question their doings, and the way a nastik becomes a true believer, I personally enjoyed it a lot.
Even though the actors were many, everyone made had their own place in the film, they never over shadowed each other. Amazing film!