Othello has never been one of my favorite plays, but, at times, I found myself engrossed by Omkara , the desi adaptation of the play. Using the visual aspects of film to enhance certain story elements, Vishal has crafted a fine motion picture.
Omkara[Ajay] and Dolly[Kareena] had a forbidden romance. Omkara was a don, and Dolly is a fair younger than him . Their hidden marriage is frowned upon by many, but most importantly frowned upon by Dolly’s father. Langda[Saif], a worker of Omkara, is a man of pure evil and he loathes Omkara. Not only is Langda evil, but he is also clever. He uses his mind and his mouth to destroy Omkara within. With Omkara thinking he is a loyal , not to mention loyal friend, the mission all but too easy for the dastardly Langda.
While maintaining the location and time period of the original play, Omkara gives us a much clearer insight into Othello as a story than many of the supposedly more important versions of the same play. The dialogue is trimmed to what is essential, the settings are atmospheric, and the cast is great.The ambiance of the film is gritty and realistic. There is a permanent atmosphere of gloom over the proceedings, even during the tender sequences between Ajay and Kareena. You will never forget the story after you see the movie.Here is a love story wiith intelligence and emotions, boldly defying norms to make a film that is surely one of the best pictures of the year. Music is likeable as well
The performances in the film are excellent and award-worthy. Ajays towering portrayal of Omkara overcome by jealousy is the best reason to watch Vishals take on the classic Othello.
Finally, Saif finds a role worthy of him .With Omkara, he shows his acting chops and his ability to carry a film. His wonderful negative performance is bound to get noticed and will most definately lead to further successes, propelling him into the upper class of stars.
Kareena is a vibrant combination of fragility and vulnerable simplicity and is totally endearing throughout..Vivek is in a form after long long time. Konkana is a convincing and gave stellar performance in her character .Bipasha is okay . Naseer, stand out in short but crucial role.Go for it!